Basement Priest Two: Further Reflections 1970-2022 by Fr. John Boos, M.Afr. - a Review by Dr. Patrick Redmond


Fr. John Boos, M.Afr., Basement Priest Two: Further Reflections 1970-2022, (Tellwell:2022)

In a sequel to his first book, Fr. Boos continues to inform and enlighten readers with further reflections on the importance of the teachings of Jesus Christ as reflected in the Catholic Church and of the damage done to these by the Reformation and by the beliefs of other religions. 

He shows how these changes have produced a herd mentality among people, a reductionism in the doctrines accepted and a widespread move to acute liberalism. He closes by identifying actions needed to restore values that are being lost.

He starts by showing how the ancient Hebrew traditions  gave way among Christians to  the holy mass in which Jesus gives His Body and Blood to people in the Eucharist.  Jesus transitioned the people from their traditional beliefs to new, radically different beliefs and enabled His disciples and others to understand and promote these beliefs through the actions of the Holy Spirit working within them. Many passages from the bible are quoted to confirm the ways Jesus transferred His authority and delegated His divine presence to Peter and his successors.

The writings of the New Testament and, in particular, those of St. Paul, are discussed in detail, as are variations between the writings of St. Paul and the other apostles. These variations helped encourage some divisions among Christians since the Reformation.

With the Reformation came the rejection of many Catholic teachings. Over time it has led to the emergence of  some 47,000 sects.  In addition, the beliefs of Luther, where faith in Jesus alone, sola fide,  and the word of the bible alone, sola scriptura,  become the two basic tenets of the faith. This undermined the importance of good works.   Other effects included individual interpretation of the Bible, rejection of the seven sacraments,  rejection of the belief in the Eucharist and the emergence of individually created moral norms.  It also led to the rise of usury and uncontrolled capitalism. In time, it led to the acceptance of abortion, transgenderism, acceptance of the gay lifestyle and much else. 

Fr. Boos then goes into detail on different components which influence belief, including the power of suggestion, brainwashing, herd mentality and reductionism  and shows how these have affected faith and society in Catholicism, in various Protestant sects and in other religions.

One of these is the power of suggestion. When accepted, it has the power of brainwashing those affected. Brainwashing has helped to bring about radical changes in the ideas and beliefs of people. Examples of religious brainwashing are shown for Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

Herd mentality , or the sin of presumption, is then examined and we are shown how  philosophical, economic and warlike conditions affect people and how  religious leaders have used these to convince many to follow them. He shows the impact of herd mentality on Luther’s followers, then on those following other religions.

A multiplicity of beliefs developed because of philosophical influences through the use of the will rather than the intellect in accepting reality.  The negative effects of the use of the will is then shown in religions such as Christianity and Islam.

Reductionism is another factor in the acceptance of  different religions.  Judaism is portrayed as a excellent example of reductionism.  Many of the unfortunate results of reductionism in Protestantism are then identified. Insightful ideas are given on Catholic and Islamic reductionism as well. 

Finally, reductionism is covered in detail as manifested during the reign of Pope Francis. Many of the negative effects of this Pope’s policies are noted. Then it is covered in specific works of other popes, such as Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, and the Winnipeg Statement, issued by Canada’s archbishops and bishops.

Voluntarism is then examined, showing how the will rather than the intellect becomes the main principle of reality. This is examined in the emergence of many philosophies which have influenced the world.

The book then  examines attitudes  towards the Virgin Mary in Islam and in Protestant and Catholic churches, showing, with the Catholic church, her many apparitions.

In conclusion, the effects of the philosophies developed since the reformation have led to an implosion of faith in world society, among individuals and within the Catholic church. This has led to dramatic changes in the world, which he discusses in detail. Yet Fr. Boos remains hopeful that a return to sanity can happen through a restoration of metaphysical thinking, which glued the Catholic world together for 1500 years.

The book has considerable value for the reader interested in understanding the foundations of the faith established by Jesus Christ, of the many changes that have taken place in it over the centuries, how other offshoot religions developed and how they have affected our belief systems.

Fr. Boos’ book is available for purchase here:
