RIP Reta Stone, Widow of John Stone, who had Introduced the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars into Canada

This is a bit of sad news for most of us who had known Reta Stone, widow of John Stone, who had introduced the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars into Canada. Being one of the long-time faithful contributors to FCS, Reta has passed into glory, leaving us at 7pm on the 3rd March recently. She had been suffering from various health issues for a considerable time, and had been hospitalised at Centenary Hospital once before. On her second hospitalisation there, her health gradually declined in the short period of over a week, and she was eventually put into isolation, where she passed away at the respectable age of 92 years.
I had been able to visit her on the morning of the 3rd, and took a picture of herself and a visiting friend, which I am sending you by attachment. That night Reta passed on, and on the evening of the 8th a friend and myself went to the hospital to pay our respects to our dear old friend Reta, whose body had been prepared by the hospital authorities.
Following her natural bent concerning details, Reta had pre-arranged everything with the McEachnie Funeral Home in Ajax before her demise. There was a Visitation and Rosary prayer for her on the 9th at the Funeral Home, and on the morning of the 10th there was a considerable turn-out of her friends and Catholic Womens' Guild colleagues at the Mass held for her at her own Parish in Pickering, that of the Holy Redeemer. She was interred in a beautiful casket near to her husband John at Pine Ridge Memorial Cemetery i Ajax, Fr Colman Mruma her Parish-Priest doing the final Blessing of the grave site. Reta had had no children, but I had the impression that at the Visitation, Mass and burial, all those who attended had really been part of her extended family. She had been greatly appreciated by all, a genuine person who had touched many during her life, all of whom remain influenced by having known her.
May Reta Stone our mutual friend rest in peace, and may she exult in the Presence of the One in whom she so firmly and devoutly believed.
My personal condolences to you and to the FCS, Dr Redmond, and may Lent 2023 bring you all its blessings.
Fr John Boos MAfr.
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